03.08.2017 Registration number: 219.971
Extract given: 03.08.2017
Name: Innovation in Education for Afghanistan
Home: Helsinki
Register number 219.971
NAME SPELLING: (Registered 03.08.2017 ) The name of the association is written by the Chairman of the Board, vice chairman, secretary or treasurer, each alone.
REGULAR NOMINATORS (Registered 03/08/2017)
NAME OF HISTORY 03.08.2017 . Innovation in Education for Afghanistan ry

1. The name of association
The name of the association is ‘’Innovation in Education for Afghanistan’’ and the domicile is Helsinki.

2. The purpose and the type of activity
The purpose of the association is to promote and develop the education in Afghanistan with innovation and work to meet the educational needs. The purpose of the association is to support innovation in education ideologically and economically.

To fulfill the purpose, the association:
• Set up schools in Afghanistan, where innovation is practised in education by which the teaching orientation could be created for schools and teachers.
• The poor children specially are taken into account and they will be offered free education as much as it is possible.
• acquires the information about education and pedagogy, suitable software and the necessary tools for the use of association
• cooperates with other similar associations, with the education sector of Finland and the education sector of Afghanistan
• arranges trainings and takes care of training opportunities for teachers and for the employees of a teaching system.
• carry out information and publishing activities to promote innovation in education
• Arranges meetings, courses, teach-in and trips to promote innovation in education
• makes initiatives for the arts, arranges cultural events and art events, plans and arranges art trainings.
For supporting the activities of the association:
• accepts donations, grants, testaments, accepts funds for carrying out the projects
• arranges lotteries with the relevant license, whip-rounds, entertainment events and art events.
• owns the necessary and loose immovable property for its operations

3. Members
A person who accepts the purpose of the association may be accepted as a full member of the association. A private individual or a legal entity that wishes to support the purpose and function of the association may be accepted as a profitable member. The members of the Association and the eligible members will approve the board of the association upon application. As a Honorary Chairman or Honorary Member, a meeting of the Board of Directors may invite a person who has greatly contributed to and supported the activities of the association.

4. Membership fee
the size of the membership fee and the annual membership fee charged to the actual members and the profitable members will be decided separately for each of the members by the annual meeting. Honorary chairman and honorary members do not pay dues.

5. The board of the association
The affairs of the association are handled by a board of directors, which includes the chairman elected at the annual meeting and 2-8 other ordinary members and 0-8 deputy members. The term of office of the Board of Directors is the time between the annual meetings.The Board of Directors elects a Vice Chairman from among its members and takes from among its members or from outside the secretary, treasurer and the required staff members. the Board convenes at the invitation of the Chairman and if prevented from attending they convenes at the invitation of the vice chairman when they consider the subject matter or when at least half of the members of the board so request. The Board of Directors has a quorum when at least half of its members, including the chairman or vice-chairman, are present. Voting is resolved by an absolute majority. If the votes go evenly, the chairman's vote decides. However in the election the vote is determined by the lottery.

6. Writing the name of the association
The name of the association will be written by Chairman of the Board, vice chairman, secretary or treasurer, each alone.

7. The financial year
The financial year of the association is the calendar year

8. Meetings of the association
A meeting of the association may be attended either by decision of the board or association, also by post, or by means of a communication or other technical assistance during the meeting or before the meeting. The annual meeting of the association is held annually on the date set by the Board in January-May. Each member, honorary chairman and honorary member has one vote in the meetings of the association. The profitable member has the right to attend and the right to speak at the meeting. The decision of the association meeting shall, unless otherwise provided in the statutes, be the opinion that is supported by more than half of the votes cast. If the votes go evenly, the chairman's vote decides. However in the election the vote is determined by the lottery.

9. Convening meetings of the association
The board must convene meetings of the association at least seven days prior to the meeting, by postal mail or by e-mail.

10. The annual meeting
The annual meeting of the association deals with the following issues:
1. Opening of the meeting
2. The chairman of the meeting, the secretary, two protocol inspector and, if necessary, two tellers are selected.
3. The legality and quorum of the meeting shall be established
4. The agenda of the meeting is approved
5. the financial statements, the annual report and the opinion of the function inspectors are presented.
6. confirmation on the financial statements and discharging the board of directors and other accountable persons will be decided.
7. The action plan, revenue and expenditure estimate, and the amount of membership and the membership dues are confirmed.
8. the Chairman and other members of the Board of Directors are selected
9. one or two function inspectors and one deputy auditor, or one or two auditors and deputy auditors are selected
10. The other matters mentioned in the meeting invitation are discussed.
If a member of the association wishes to get a matter to be dealt with for the annual meeting of the association, he shall inform in writing to the Board in good time, so that the matter can be included in the invitation of the meeting.

11. Changing the rules, and dissolution of the association
The decision to change the rules and untie the association must be made at the meeting of the association by at least three quarters of the votes cast. About the changing the rules and dissolution of the association should be mentioned in the notice of the meeting. When the association is dissolved, the association's assets will be used to promote the purpose of the association in the manner determined by the meeting of dissolution. When the association comes to an end, its assets are used for the same purpose.